Chemical Drain Cleaners Are Dangerous and Can Damage Your Pipes

Many chemical Philadelphia Drain Cleaners are dangerous to your health and can damage your pipes. Instead, try using baking soda and vinegar.

drain cleaners

Caustic drain cleaners contain ingredients like lye and caustic potash that give off heat to dissolve organic material, such as hair and grease. They may require sitting for a while, but can often work in as little as 15 minutes.

While chemical drain cleaners offer a quick solution to blocked drains, they aren’t without their risks. Many of these products contain acids such as sulfuric acid (muriatic acid) or hydrochloric acid, substances that generate heat to break down organic material in the drain and surrounding pipes. They can also damage older pipes made of metal, particularly if they are exposed to the chemicals for long periods of time or in high concentrations.

Caustic drain cleaners, which include lye-based drain openers, give off intense heat that breaks down and melts the material blocking the pipe. While caustic, these types of cleaners are the least dangerous to use since they don’t have a strong smell and create less water splash. However, they aren’t effective on food waste and can be harmful to pipes if used too often.

Oxidizing drain cleaners, which contain bleach, peroxides or nitrates, take the opposite approach to caustic drain cleaners by giving off oxygen to break down and dissolve organic materials in the drain and surrounding pipes. While oxidizing drain cleaners aren’t as powerful as caustic ones, they can still be useful in breaking down hair, grease and other organic matter that’s stuck in the pipes.

Acidic drain cleaners, which are the harshest of the bunch, typically contain ingredients such as sulfonic acid, hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide (lye). They work by creating a reaction with the organic material in the pipe to generate heat and liquefy the clog. These types of cleaners are typically only used by plumbers on substantial clogs as they’re extremely hazardous to humans and the environment, as well as plumbing pipes if they’re exposed to the chemicals for extended periods of time or in high concentrations. They’re also generally not recommended for use on septic systems, as they can kill the bacteria that break down organic waste in the tank.


Most liquid drain cleaners rely on creating a chemical reaction right inside your pipes. Unfortunately, this method can lead to pipe damage and even leaks. The chemicals also pose health risks and are bad for the environment. To avoid these issues, try a natural drain cleaner. One option is to use baking soda and vinegar. This is a safe, inexpensive, and effective alternative to chemical drain cleaners.

Caustic drain cleaners typically contain sodium hydroxide (lye). This substance works in two ways. First, it gives off heat to break down the clog and melt grease. Then, it releases hydrogen gas to make space for the dissolved material. It can also dissolve organic materials, such as hair and soap scum.

Oxidizing drain cleaners, on the other hand, are milder than caustic drain cleaners. They contain ingredients such as bleach, peroxides, and nitrates. These chemicals cause the organic matter that’s causing the clog to lose electrons and become oxidized. This breaks down the clog and allows water to flow freely through the pipes.

These cleaners are best for removing organic material such as food scraps, hair, and soap scum. They can also be used to break down grease in kitchen sinks and grease traps.

Acidic drain cleaners are the harshest type and should be avoided if possible. They contain strong acids, such as sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid. These chemicals can damage metal pipes, especially if they come into contact with them for an extended period of time. They’re also dangerous for human skin and should only be used when all other options have failed.

When using liquid drain cleaners, follow the manufacturer’s instructions and avoid pouring them near your drain cover. These chemicals can be extremely toxic if inhaled or ingested and should never be used around children. To avoid a toxic reaction, try pouring hot water down the drain before using a drain cleaner. This will help the chemical disperse and minimize your risk of exposure. It’s also a good idea to wear rubber gloves and goggles when using a chemical drain cleaner.


Chemical drain cleaners work with powerful chemical reactions to break down organic material into smaller molecules that can be removed from the pipe. While these products can be effective for many types of clogs, they also present significant risks to your health and the environment.

Most chemical drain cleaners are liquid solutions that can be poured down the drain to dissolve blockages. They are often heavier than water, allowing them to sink through standing water and reach the clog. Due to their strong chemical nature, these cleaners are typically stored well out of reach from children and pets, as accidental ingestion or exposure can cause serious medical conditions. Additionally, if these products are not used correctly, they can produce toxic fumes that can irritate the nose, eyes, and throat.

When used properly, chemical drain cleaners can offer a fast solution to many types of clogs. They can be particularly useful in situations where other methods like plunging or a plumbing snake are unsuccessful. However, they should never be used as a replacement for professional sewer services. Instead, a thorough inspection should be conducted to determine the root cause of the clog and a long-term solution implemented.

The most common type of chemical drain cleaner is an acidic one. These products use sulphuric or hydrochloric acid to create a chemical reaction with the clog and dissolve materials like hair, grease, and soap scum. While effective, this type of drain cleaner can be extremely harmful to the pipes and should only be used as a last resort when no other methods are successful.

Another type of chemical drain cleaner is an oxidizing one. These are less harsh than acidic cleaners and use a variety of chemical compounds including nitrates, peroxides, and bleach to create a chemical reaction with the p-trap and other pipe materials. These cleaners can be effective for removing most types of clogs but may take more time than acidic ones.

Both acidic and oxidizing chemical drain cleaners can be dangerous to the environment. They can contaminate water sources and harm local wildlife, which can have long-term effects on ecosystems. They can also be damaging to pipes if not properly disposed of, and can corrode metal drains especially in older homes.


A natural drain cleaner uses non-toxic ingredients that create a chemical reaction to dissolve and dislodge clogs without damaging pipes. These products typically use ingredients like baking soda and vinegar, salt and hot water, or a mixture of these substances to clear away stubborn blockages in your drains and pipes. While these products may take a little longer to work than their chemical counterparts, they provide a safer option that is more environmentally friendly and doesn’t expose you to toxic fumes.

Using natural cleaning products will also reduce the risk of your kids or pets getting into your cleaners and potentially being poisoned. While many chemical drain cleaners contain toxic solvents that can be fatal if swallowed, natural options do not. This is particularly important if you have small children or pets who might be curious about the chemicals stored in your cleaning cabinet.

For a quick and easy DIY solution, try pouring a can of cola down your drain. This can be a regular Coca-Cola or the diet variety, as sugar will help to break down fats in your pipes. After letting the cola sit for a few hours, you can rinse it out with hot water. While this solution is not as fast-acting as other chemical drain cleaners, it is a cheap and effective way to get your drains back in working order.

Another option is to purchase an enzyme-based drain cleaner. These are a safe and eco-friendly alternative to traditional chemical cleaners, as they are made from bacteria that will feed on the organic waste material in your pipes and drains. While these are not as powerful as the chemical options, they will slowly dissolve and dislodge a clog over time.

While there are plenty of products on the market that promise to quickly and easily unclog your drains, they can be extremely harmful to your pipes and environment. Their corrosive chemicals can eat away at your pipes over time, causing leaks and other issues. They can also contaminate the environment when they are flushed down the drain, causing damage to local ecosystems. For these reasons, it is best to stick with natural drain cleaners that are as environmentally friendly as possible.


Botox San Diego is a simple, quick and safe procedure that lasts less than 30 minutes. The effects of the neurotoxin can last 3-4 months before it needs to be retreated.

When it comes to cosmetic treatments like botulinum toxin injections, it is important to choose an experienced, board certified practitioner who specializes in skin rejuvenation. It is also essential that the practitioner be on a registered list and meets certain standards of training, skill and insurance.

Botox is an injectable medication made from a toxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. When doctors use this medication in very small doses, it can temporarily paralyze muscles and prevent wrinkles from forming on the skin. It can also be used to treat a number of medical conditions, including eyelid spasms, excessive sweating, and some types of migraine.

There are a few different types of Botox available on the market, but the one most commonly known is called Botox Cosmetic (onabotulinumtoxinA). This product is injected into the muscle to relax it, causing wrinkles to smooth out and fade.

Although it was originally developed to help correct crossed eyes, it wasn’t long before people began requesting this treatment for cosmetic purposes. It is now the most popular cosmetic procedure in the United States, with about 7.23 million procedures performed last year alone.

The Food and Drug Administration has approved several other uses for this medication, as well. These include treating muscle spasms in the neck, chin, and arms, as well as helping people with bladder disorders and some types of headache. Doctors can also use it to reduce nausea caused by certain medications.

It is important to note that Botox is only safe when it is administered by a trained professional. This is why it’s important to find a reputable med spa that offers this treatment. Using an experienced technician is the best way to ensure that your results will look natural.

Some side effects of this treatment can include bruising or pain at the injection site, dry or irritated eyes, and double vision or difficulty judging distances. In most cases, these side effects are temporary and clear up within a few days.

A more serious side effect of Botox can be a local bacterial infection, which happens when bacteria from the outside world makes its way into the muscle tissue. This is usually avoided by ensuring that the injection needle is properly sterilized before each use. A rare side effect of Botox is headache, which occurs in a small percentage of patients and generally goes away after a few hours.

How Does Botox Work?

Botox works by blocking nerve signals to the muscles. This causes them to relax and soften, resulting in the reduction or elimination of wrinkles. The injections are usually done at a doctor’s office or medical spa. The doctor may use anesthetic applied to the skin, ice or ultrasound to numb the area before injecting. The injections themselves do not hurt.

The neurotoxin in Botox is made by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It is purified and used for medical purposes under strict control. If large amounts of botulinum toxin are ingested or get into wounds, it can cause the potentially deadly nervous system disorder called botulism. Botox is injected into the skin in very small doses. The results take effect within a few days and can last up to 12 months.

Besides cosmetic uses, doctors use botulinum toxin to treat a number of other conditions that affect the muscle or nerves. These include involuntary muscle contractions (like dystonia and writer’s cramp) and migraine headaches. It is also approved for treating a condition in which people sweat excessively (hyperhidrosis).

It’s important to find an experienced and trained professional to perform the injections. People who try to do them themselves or visit unregulated spas run the risk of getting botulism or having the results turn out worse than they intended. In addition, it’s best to stick with doctors who are licensed by the state and follow a stringent code of safety standards.

Before the procedure begins, your health care provider will test your skin for allergies to botulinum toxin and other ingredients in the product. If you have any, your health care provider will notify you. They may also ask you to stop taking certain medications or avoid certain activities before treatment, such as avoiding rubbing the injection site and putting pressure on the area.

The FDA has approved the use of Botox for treating forehead lines, crow’s feet and frown lines around the eyes. It’s also approved for chronic migraine headaches in people who get them 15 or more days each month. The procedure can help reduce the frequency of these headaches and decrease symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting and light sensitivity.

What are the Benefits of Botox?

Since it was first introduced more than a decade ago, Botox has become one of the most popular cosmetic treatments for reducing fine lines and wrinkles. In addition to its aesthetic benefits, the drug is also used to treat other health conditions, including chronic migraine headaches and excessive sweating.

For the most part, Botox injections are considered safe and relatively painless. Bruising may occur at the injection sites, but this usually goes away within a few days. Side effects are rare, but they can include a temporary headache, flu-like symptoms, or droopy eyelids.

The main benefit of Botox is its ability to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines on the face, giving patients a refreshed, more youthful appearance. It is also a good option for preventing future wrinkles by reducing the repetitive muscle movement that causes them. It is important to note, however, that Botox is not a permanent solution for these types of wrinkles and will require regular follow-up treatment to maintain its effectiveness.

In addition to its cosmetic benefits, the FDA has approved Botox for a number of medical conditions. These include crossed eyes (pseudostrabismus), glabellar lines (the frown lines between the eyebrows), and axillary hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). It is also useful in treating migraine headaches when it is injected into the area around the forehead.

While Botox is an effective treatment for many conditions, it should be avoided by pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. It can also cause muscle weakness in people who already have nerve or muscle problems, such as myasthenia gravis. It is also important to discuss any medical conditions or medications you are taking with your doctor before having the procedure done.

What are the Side Effects of Botox?

In the hands of a skilled and experienced practitioner, Botox is safe. But, like any drug or procedure, it has its risks. Side effects can range from mild to severe. Fortunately, most side effects are temporary and should fade within days of treatment.

One of the most common Botox side effects is temporary bruising, which results when needles puncture blood vessels in the injection area. Another common side effect is an uncomfortable feeling at the injection site that develops because of the contraction of the muscles and tissues in the area of treatment. These discomforts typically fade after a few hours, though they can last longer in some patients.

Botox can also cause a droopy or “crooked” smile, if the injections are delivered around the mouth. The drooping of the mouth can result from too much Botox being injected in the area, which causes the toxins to spread out of the targeted muscles to other areas. It can also be caused by a patient with an abnormally high or low tolerance to Botox.

Other common Botox side effects include neck spasms, called cervical dystonia, which are painful, uncontrollable contractions of the neck muscles. Botox can also be used to treat excessive sweating, which is called hyperhidrosis, by temporarily blocking nerve impulses to the sweat glands.

A very few people can have an allergic reaction to Botox, but these reactions are usually not serious. Some of the symptoms of an allergic reaction to Botox can be a rash, itchy skin, or breathing difficulties.

Long-term use of Botox can lead to permanent changes in facial expressions. This occurs when the muscles become dependent on Botox and stop producing normal movements. The treatment is also not recommended for pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers.

The most important thing to remember about any type of injectable is to choose a licensed and experienced professional for your injections. Unskilled or unlicensed practitioners can use improper techniques, which may cause serious complications. They can also use counterfeit or contaminated products, which could be life-threatening. It is important to research your physician and clinic before receiving Botox.

Top Tips For Affordable Cleaning

Hiring a professional house cleaner may seem like a luxury, but your time is worth money. The time you spend scrubbing your kitchen floor could be more profitably (and enjoyably) spent on something else. Contact Killeen Affordable Cleaning for professional help.

cleaning services

Companies vary in price for cleaning services, based on size and frequency of service. For example, a standard cleaning of a two-bedroom apartment costs $184 per visit.

1. Save Time

If you have a designated place for cleaning supplies, it’s much easier to see when you’re running low on something. It can also save you time when you’re cleaning because you don’t have to go back and forth from your home to the store. This is one of the reasons why it’s best to keep most flat surfaces clear of items, as it will make it much easier for your cleaners to work. It may also help them clean faster and with more confidence if they’re working with products they’re familiar with. This can add up to significant savings over the course of a year.

2. Prevent Pests

A clean environment will not only save you money on cleaning supplies, but will also prevent pests from becoming a problem. Pests are a nuisance and can cause health concerns, especially when they contaminate food or carry bacteria that could threaten human life. Practicing good hygiene and following a regular cleaning schedule can prevent pests from inhabiting your home or business.

Cockroaches are commonly found in filthy kitchens, while flies can be attracted to dirty dishes, utensils, and food waste. Rodents can also make their way into homes by gaining entry through poorly sealed doors and windows. These pests can cause major damage and lead to serious health concerns. Pests can be prevented by storing food properly, using airtight containers and promptly refrigerating perishables. In addition, keeping areas clean and avoiding clutter will help to keep pests away from living or breeding areas.

In order to prevent pests, all contaminated equipment and surfaces must be cleaned thoroughly. This includes sanitizing all appliances, sweeping and mopping floors, and disinfecting kitchen tools. The sanitizing process should be repeated on a regular basis. In addition, the use of insect repellent can also be helpful in preventing pests from entering a business or residence.

Unwashed dishes and utensils should be rinsed or stored immediately after use, removing any crumbs and drips that might attract pests. Dining areas should be wiped down regularly and the space beneath tables should be swept to remove any food waste that might collect. In addition, all trash must be emptied regularly and the containers should be disinfected.

Stagnant water is a breeding ground for a wide variety of pests, including mosquitoes. During regular cleaning, staff should check and clean all areas that may be sources of stagnant water, such as the backside of storage areas and cupboards.

Stored product pests, such as weevils and beetles, can infest flour and grain products if left untreated. They can also contaminate the product, reducing its quality and nutritional value. To prevent these pests, staff should inspect all incoming products and the existing inventory for webbing and other signs of infestation on a daily basis.

3. Increase Resale Value

One of the best ways to increase the resale value of your home is by regularly cleaning and decluttering it. Potential buyers will find it hard to see the house’s true worth if they are rubbing their noses at bad smells or tripping over clutter. A deep clean and decluttering can be fairly inexpensive tasks, especially if you hire professionals to help. It’s also a good idea to remove any personal photographs or other items that could detract from the property, as this will make it easier for prospective buyers to imagine themselves living there. This is called “depersonalizing.” It can be done with a little effort before your professional cleaners arrive.

4. Keep Your Home Clean

A clean home isn’t just an aesthetic goal, but it also helps keep allergens, germs and pollutants to a minimum, which is good for both people and pets. It’s not always easy to keep up with cleaning, but with a little know-how and top tips from the pros, it is possible to have a consistently clean home.

Start with a weekly checklist that includes washing sheets and towels, vacuuming and mopping floors, dusting surfaces, and scrubbing showers and bathtubs. Then move to a daily schedule that involves wiping down high-traffic areas, such as door knobs and light switches, and cleaning surfaces in kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms.

Another important tip is to have a trash can in every room so that food waste and other items are disposed of regularly. It’s also helpful to have a recycling bin for items that can be recycled. Finally, invest in time-saving tools and products that make your cleaning tasks faster and easier.

For example, a great tool for the kitchen is a microfiber cloth that can easily be used to wipe down countertops, tables and appliances. Keeping up with this task can help prevent the spread of germs in the kitchen and throughout the house.

When working with a professional cleaning service, it is helpful to communicate your expectations upfront. This can include letting them know if you prefer a certain cleaner or if there are specific areas of your home that require special attention. It’s also a good idea to have a list of all the items that need to be cleaned and a time frame for each item.

Lastly, if you have any clutter or objects sitting out, such as books or toys, put them away before your cleaner arrives. This will make their job much easier and more efficient and allow them to spend more time on areas that need more attention.

Finally, it’s a good idea to take photos before and after each cleaning session and to include them on your website to show off your work. This will help potential customers understand the value of your services and may even convince them to book their first cleaning right away.

What is SEO?

SEO is the practice of optimizing a webpage or website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This allows businesses to gain more attention from people searching for their products or services.

The best seo practices are those that benefit both a page’s ranking and the user search experience. They include using keywords in titles and meta descriptions, utilizing descriptive URLs instead of strings of numbers, and incorporating schema markup. For more information, click the link to proceed.

Keywords in SEO are the words and phrases that search engines use to identify the topic of your content. Using the right keywords is essential to getting your content found and helping you attract the audience you want. Keywords can range from single words to complex phrases. Regardless of their complexity, they are used to inform website content in order to increase relevant organic search traffic.

A primary keyword is the main word or phrase that a piece of content revolves around. It is the starting point for finding related keywords, and is often used in conjunction with other keywords in order to optimize a page. There are a variety of tools available to help you find keywords that are relevant to your business and goals. These include tools like Moz’s Keyword Explorer, AnswerThePublic, and LSIGraph.

There are many different types of keywords, and it is important to understand them in order to effectively target them. Head keywords are short, highly competitive, and vague (like “clothes”). Tail keywords are long, specific, and descriptive (“Foley artist for video games”). It is often best to target a mix of head and tail keywords to improve your chances of success.

When choosing keywords, you should also consider the intent of your audience. Search intent is broadly divided into informational, navigational, commercial, and transactional. Understanding the intent of your audience can help you target the right keywords to drive the most conversions.

Keywords can be used in a number of places on a website, including the title tag, meta description, and body text. The title tag is a crucial factor in ranking for organic searches, and should include your keyword in a natural way. The meta description is a snippet of text that appears below the title in search results, and should also include your keyword. It is important to note that meta descriptions aren’t a direct ranking factor, but can still impact organic search visibility.

It’s important to use keywords sparingly, as overusing them can hurt your rankings. Ideally, your keyword should be used in a logical and cohesive way, and should make up 1 or 2% of the total words on a page.

On-page optimization

The on-page optimization of a webpage involves improving different parts of the page so that search engines and users can better understand what it’s about. This includes everything from writing content that matches search intent to optimizing visuals. It can also involve changing the structure of your website to improve its search engine visibility. However, on-page SEO doesn’t include things like backlinks or domain authority.

One of the most important aspects of on-page optimization is creating high-quality content that matches search intent. This can be accomplished by performing keyword research and writing relevant, compelling content. By doing this, you’ll ensure that your visitors find what they’re looking for without the online equivalent of a wild goose chase.

Another important aspect of on-page optimization is using the right tags for your content. Title tags are the first thing that Google sees when it scans a web page, and they’re critical for determining how well a page will rank. Title tags should contain your target keyword and be clear and concise. They should also be unique and relevant to the topic of the page.

You should also optimize your page’s meta description to encourage clicks. This can be done by writing a short paragraph that summarizes the content of the page and describes what it is about. It’s important to include your target keyword in the meta description, but don’t stuff it with keywords or use a cheesy sales pitch.

Internal linking is another underrated on-page optimization technique. This involves linking to other pages on your site in a way that provides value for readers and helps spread link equity. For example, you might link to related blog posts or products in a “further reading” section. This is a great way to drive traffic to less-visited pages and increase your overall rankings.

Finally, you should use structured data markup to help search engines understand your page’s content. This is the process of adding a special markup to your website’s code that tells search engines what each piece of information on your site means. It’s what powers those featured snippets and knowledge panels that you see when searching for something on Google. It’s also how your specific page information shows up when someone shares a link to your site on social media.

Off-page optimization

Off-page optimization in seo is the process of improving a website’s search engine rankings by getting other reputable places on the internet to link to it. This includes other websites, social media pages, and online directories. While these factors don’t directly affect search engine rankings, they can indirectly improve a site’s ranking by building its authority and creating more visibility.

The main off-page SEO elements are backlinks, social media marketing, and online directory listings. Backlinks are the most important off-page optimization element, and they can have a big impact on search engine rankings. However, they need to be high-quality backlinks, and should be built slowly over time.

When other reputable sites link to your website, it sends off-page SEO signals that the content on your site is valuable and relevant. These signals are called “link juice,” and they help your website rank higher in search engine results pages. However, it’s important to remember that link juice only passes when the links are do-follow. No-follow links don’t pass any link juice and won’t improve your search engine rankings.

It’s also important to have a strong social media presence and participate in industry forums. This will not only increase your off-page SEO but will also help build a solid reputation for your brand. Social media signals aren’t as powerful as they once were, but they can still play a role in your SEO strategy.

Another way to improve off-page SEO is by networking with other businesses and bloggers in your niche. This will not only help your off-page SEO, but it will also boost your online reputation and build trust in your audience. You can do this by writing guest posts, participating in forum discussions, and sharing your content on social media.

Off-page SEO is just as important as on-page optimization, and the two work together to enhance your search engine rankings in complementary ways. Off-page SEO is the process of optimizing your content outside of your website, and it includes generating quality backlinks, commenting on other blogs, joining forum discussions, and guest posting.

Link building

In addition to content and on-page optimization, link building is one of the most important aspects of SEO. This is because links are the foundation of the Internet and allow users to navigate from one page to another. Without links, pages would be isolated and search engines would have a hard time finding them. Link building also helps search engines determine the relevance of a page to a keyword or query. It’s important to remember that not all links are created equal. Some are more valuable than others and will help your website rank higher in search engine results.

The first step to effective link building is understanding your audience and the types of websites they visit. Once you know your audience, you can create relevant and valuable content that is more likely to get shared and linked to. It’s also important to find out what kind of content your competitors are sharing and linking to. This will give you a good idea of what you need to do to compete with them.

While links are still important, it’s time to start thinking about them as part of a larger authority-building strategy. Instead of trying to game the system with black hat techniques, focus on building quality backlinks from trusted sources. This will benefit both you and your visitors.

To get started with link building, look for opportunities to provide guest posts on other websites and blogs. This is a great way to promote your business, build relationships, and increase your visibility in the search engine result pages (SERPs). Be sure to follow all of Google’s guidelines when approaching these opportunities, as doing so may negatively affect your rankings.

Another way to build links is by creating valuable and unique content. For example, if you’re launching a new product, write an in-depth article about it. This will not only help potential customers understand the value of your product, but it will also encourage other businesses to link to it.

Another great way to build links is by promoting your content on social media. This is a quick and easy way to reach a large audience and potentially generate more leads. However, make sure that the content you share is relevant to your niche and does not contain excessive keywords or spammy links.

Insects and Pest Control

Natural forces affect pest populations, limiting them to the food, water and shelter they need. These include climate, natural enemies, overwintering sites and natural barriers.

The most effective pest control combines prevention, suppression and eradication. Preventive measures include eliminating the things that attract pests (clutter, removing food sources) and treating the area where they are living. Suppression reduces pest numbers to an acceptable level and eradication completely destroys them. Contact Pest Control Flower Mound TX now!

Insects are the most diverse group of animals on Earth and play critical roles in ecosystems as pollinators, decomposers, food sources for other organisms, and pest control. While they can also be damaging to crops, landscapes, and structures, insects are generally beneficial from an environmental perspective.

Only one to three percent of the world’s insect species are considered pests in human societies, according to experts. The vast majority of insects provide important ecological services, such as pollinating plants and dispersing seeds, reducing erosion by eating weeds and other vegetation, and acting as scavengers and disease vectors.

Several types of insects help with pest control. For instance, predatory insects like spiders, beetles, flies, and true bugs reduce pest populations by consuming them or by parasitizing their eggs. Some dung beetles break down and bury animal waste, which helps reduce methane emissions on dairy and beef farms. And the larvae of some insects, such as the drugstore beetle (Stegobium paniceum), which is a common bookworm, tunnel from cover to cover and can actually clean dust off pages—so they’re useful in libraries.

A wide range of behavioral strategies exist to protect insects from natural enemies, including camouflage, pheromones, and chemical repellents. Insects that use their wings to fly are protected from birds and other predators by having a hard body armor, while others, such as dragonflies, tiger beetles, and predaceous water beetles, can outrun or outswim their foes.

Insecticides can disrupt these natural defense systems and lead to reduced populations and a disruption in ecological balance. This is especially problematic for native insects. For example, if insects were not around to eat gypsy moth larvae in their homelands of Europe and Asia, the outbreaks that occur here could be more severe and last longer.


Rodents are a very diverse order of mammals ranging in size from the pygmy mouse to the pig-sized capybara. They are found worldwide and some ocean islands. Rodents have adapted to just about every habitat in the world, living in rainforests, deserts, swamps, tundra, coniferous and deciduous forests and grasslands.

They are important to many ecosystems by recycling waste materials, helping with soil erosion and fertilization, serving as predators and prey and maintaining the health of plants and animals. However, rodents are serious pests around human dwellings, consuming and spoiling food, contaminating water supplies and spreading diseases. They are also responsible for a large portion of fires caused by gnawing on electrical wires.

Often, a visible sign of a rodent problem is the presence of droppings or pilfered foods. Other signs are gnaw marks and grease markings (the dark oily stains left behind by rats rubbing against surfaces) along entry points or corners of walls and floors.

Effective rodent control involves sanitation, exclusion and, when necessary, traps and baits. Keep kitchens, pantries and cabinets clean of loose food debris and garbage. Use metal or concrete “wool” products to seal entrance holes in walls and attics, and maintain gutters, sill plates and crawl spaces free of clogging. Inspect buildings regularly for signs of rodent activity, including scratching noises, gnaw marks, droppings and urine stains. Observe areas where rats and mice spend much of their time such as wall voids, soffits and attics, heating units, utility rooms, garages and vending areas. Place nontoxic monitoring bait blocks in tamper-resistant stations near sources of food, water or shelter. Check these regularly for feeding and bait consumption.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are difficult to eradicate once established. They are most active at night and hide during the day. They prefer to stay close to their hosts but will crawl longer distances if necessary in search of a meal. If not detected and treated early, they will spread throughout a home and can also hitchhike rides on clothing, luggage and other objects to infest new premises.

A visual inspection of the entire room is essential to identify and treat an infestation. A bright flashlight, magnifying glass and disposable gloves are helpful tools. Strip the bed and examine mattress seams and tufts as well as box springs, upholstered furniture and baseboards.

Vacuuming, removing clutter and washing all fabrics in hot water above 120 degrees Fahrenheit will help eliminate an infestation. Space sprays containing contact or residual pesticides are often used in combination with a thorough inspection to kill existing bugs and prevent them from spreading. These treatments are effective only when applied correctly and are not a substitute for regular, thorough home cleaning.

When misused, space sprays can trigger the pests to exude alert pheromones and disperse them into additional rooms. In addition, the fine droplets can ignite and burn fabric, plastics, paper and other materials.

Fumigation, which involves draping and sealing the structure with tarps to fill it with poisonous gas, can be used to control a severe bed bug problem but is more labor-intensive than heat treatment and cannot be used on delicate contents. It is also more expensive. However, it may be the only treatment that will completely eradicate a serious bed bug infestation.


Mosquitoes are a familiar family (Culicidae) of insects that can transmit serious diseases, including Zika virus and malaria. They are also a nuisance pest because their bites interfere with outdoor activities.

Mosquitoes are characterized by a slender segmented body, one pair of wings and three pairs of long hair-like legs with specialized, piercing mouthparts. Only female mosquitoes bite, as they require a blood meal to develop eggs. Different species have specific dietary preferences, with some having narrow restrictions on which animals they will attack, and even then only those that can provide a sufficient supply of blood proteins.

All mosquitoes breed in water and require a moist place to spend their first stages of development, called larval. Larvae feed on a variety of organic material, including plant juices, nectar and animal blood. As they grow, they transform into pupae, which develop in protected places such as hollow logs, discarded tires, leaf litter or containers with corrugated metal roofing.

As adult mosquitoes emerge from their pupal resting sites, they must find a place to lay their eggs. This is why mosquito control begins in the breeding sites.

Keeping mosquitoes away from homes and buildings can be accomplished with the use of mechanical barriers, such as tightly-screened windows, doors and porches (15-18 mesh). Pesticides that target adult mosquitoes can be used indoors or outdoors, depending on the situation. Indoors, products containing synthetic pyrethroids are effective, but they must be used carefully since these chemicals can also attack other beneficial insects and pets. Outdoors, backpack or hand-held foggers that disperse a fine mist of insecticide can kill mosquitoes within a large area.

As mosquitoes are good fliers and many species (such as floodwater or saltmarsh species) can disperse for several miles, effective mosquito control requires multiple strategies, including source reduction through physical control (digging ditches and ponds to drain breeding habitats) and biological control (placing mosquito fish in salt marshes to eat mosquito larvae). In addition, yard treatments involving liquid adulticides sprayed on vegetation, walls and other potential mosquito resting sites can be done with sprayers that are calibrated to produce an insecticidal mist.


Termites, wood-eating insects that live in a eusocial structure similar to ants, are found throughout the world and are responsible for over $1 billion worth of damage each year in the United States alone. There are more than 2750 different species of termites, and while they are an important part of many ecosystems by breaking down dead organisms and returning nutrients to the soil, some termite species also consume structures, including homes.

Unlike ants, which are often solitary, termites are social insects that form colonies with a distinct caste system. At the lowest level are the workers, which are blind and wingless and provide food for the colony by tunneling through wood, creating mud tubes to access moist soil or to reach the exterior of buildings, and building shelters from bark or cellulose-rich materials.

The next level of the colony are the soldiers, which are larger than the workers and have well-developed mandibles for defense. Then come the reproductives, which are winged male and female forms that swarm in warm weather and then lose their wings after they establish new colonies. These are the future kings and queens of the colony.

While a variety of products are available to treat and prevent a termite infestation, the University of Kentucky’s Entomology Department recommends consulting a pest control professional for assistance. This is particularly true when dealing with subterranean termites, the most destructive type of wood-eating insect.

Termite inspections can include tapping on a wood surface to listen for hollow or papery sounds, as well as looking for pellet-like droppings called frass near the source of an infestation. Termite treatments include injections of liquid pesticide into the ground surrounding a structure, such as with a Sentricon® system, or using termiticide-laden wood products in building construction. In addition, beneficial nematodes may be used to target and destroy termite populations.